Ami Zusman

Job title: 
Former Coordinator of Graduate Education Planning & Analysis, University of California system, UCOP

Ami Zusman previously served as Coordinator of Graduate Education Planning and Analysis for the University of California system, where she directed graduate and professional education planning and policy, as well as student outcomes assessment. She developed long-range graduate enrollment plans for the UC system, created instruments to measure and compare graduate student success, and was the lead UC liaison for the National Research Council’s assessment of doctoral programs, among other activities. Ami also authored or was principal staff for University-wide reports on interdisciplinary graduate education, self-supporting graduate programs at UC, and workforce projections for graduate degree recipients in different fields, among other matters.

Ami has published on various higher education topics, including the emergence and expansion of new kinds of professional practice doctorates, university-state conflict, teacher education, community college policy, and challenges facing higher education in the 21st century. Zusman received her Ph.D. in higher education policy from UC Berkeley.

Selected Publications

Zusman, Ami (2017). Changing Degrees: Creation and Growth of New Kinds of Professional Doctorates. The Journal of Higher Education, 88:1, 33-61.

Zusman, Ami (2005). Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century. In Philip G. Altbach, Robert O. Berdahl, and Patricia Gumport (Eds.), American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges, Second Edition (pp. 115-160). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press.

Zusman, Ami (1986). Legislature and University Conflict: The Case of California. Review of Higher Education, 9 (4), 397-418.

Research interests: 

Graduate education, University of California, higher education policy, state policy and politics in higher education

Ami Zusman Headshot


Center for Studies in Higher Education
771 Evans Hall #4650
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-642-7703

Current Project

Professional Practice Doctorates